Friday, January 18, 2008

Hunter Manual Model 44260

sport gymnastics workshop

yesterday we had a sports workshop in our school with the ex-baskettballprofe Renaldo O `NEIL . it was really cool voi! ^
because there were so many different stations where you could try out some sports. there were the sports: football (was not so cool), basketball (that was really voi witztig) and there was another one of parkour * (Was funny) and even the "surf boards" where you could be put in balance Demonstrate (was cool)!
turn my group (you can see in the picture from the last post) and I presented our sport: gymnastics!
spot a species has made it fun to learn about others and the other to get our sport, we have learned a boy from the school even a flick!! and I like basketball and even football now have no more worries! =)

and finally we had a photo opportunity for different newspapers (like so much of a star =))^^

* please note not my spelling errors! =)

1.Photo: I show full use at basketball games

2.Photo: I sport in our show. "Madita feet together! Toes and stretch!"

third photo. renaldo o'neil

The press photo here! my team: 1st row: far left steffi, 2nd row: left, my sister Rebecca, center: our trainer (my mama) and I am the 3rd from left!
is quite right in the 2nd row renaldo o'neil!


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