The Dresden city drainage built high up The plant under construction since 2008 to expand the sewerage digester gas Dresden the existing sludge treatment plant in the wastewater treatment plant in Dresden-Kaditz.
Completion is scheduled for 2011. The cost of including new sludge digester gas utilization amounted to 36.5 million euros. A CHP plant is 50 percent of future capital needs for electric energy produced from regnerativen energy sources. This reduces operating costs and protects the environment.
One of the two 35-meter digesters in so-called egg-shape with a capacity of 10 500 per cubic meter in March this year in the shell almost done. The indexing and elevator tower with about 39 meters off the A4 motorway projects already in the air. About half of the electric energy requirements of the plant and also the total heat demand of the sludge treatment can be predicted that covered this investment be.